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4:47 AM

My first time to be "reporter"

Today was a stress day. Why? Let me inform you. In the morning, Miss KAvitha asked me to be reporter for today to report about the play during assembly and the scrabble compeition. I even agree and she asked me to find someone else to do with me. So, i found Timothy who wish to be reporter in future. Well, he agree and we prepare the script. The time came when we found out that we had to remember the script. Then we last mins go and remember th script and report the play in front of a video cam. So nervous. It was my first time reporting sth. I almost forget my lines. Later, during my CL lesson, we prepare script for the scrabble compeition. WE remember our script and be ready for the reporting. We missed our maths detention( which is not relly a detention) Timothy was so upset as he cannot go throuht the maths CT. I was so nervous that i forget my lines in the two tries. So scarced when finally it's over. Once we went back for maths, it's over. I was so nervous and scarced. Luckily, tmr is not ours. We just do it for today. Anyway, at least i have a taste of being a reporter.

10:53 PM

Hiostory Project outing

Yesterday, some of my group members went to do our history project. We went to take pictures and videos of some resturant that was related to our chosen topics. We went to Beauty world and Ivins Ivins. Luckily, they allowed us to take pic and vidoes of their resturants. Next week, we will do the 'real things' like tasting the foods and interviewing. So excited... The outing was fun and the weather was so hot. There was pictures that will be the clue where we are going. Happy finding...

4:14 AM

Busy Busy Everday...

Finally Common Test are over. But we still can't relax. Still have to work hard and study. Everyday, ihave to stay back so late. Today, i just stay back to paint the school bannars. Until 5 o'clock. Not only staying back, there are history project. we have to do films. We have to go aroung the city and take vidoe. So... do ur group started yet or maybe going to finish??? So busy. After common test, we still have maths quiz during the detention next tuesday. So many things to cope with!!! how i wish that i have time to relax and play!!!

3:29 AM


ya!!! i got a blog!!! welcome everyone!!! To the Cherrythefruit...