4:14 AM

HELP!!! I'm so busy!!!

Amost everyday I have to stay back!!! the last few days, i stay back until so late then go home. On monday, i have detention duty. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday, i have prefect rehersal until about 6 to 5.30. And you know what, i have to be there for the detention duty as i am the IC for the even week. So busy!!! Even worse! Now detention duty are using laptop which is more difficult and troublesome! I have to stay back after the duty to update it. And the Exco don't allow us even me, the IC to know the password. So I have to wait for the Exco to come to type in the password. And today no Exco come to type the password and I have to call one sec 3 prefect to type in the password. Now, I am worrying about tmr. tmr i have annual award rehersal and " Chemistry here there everywhere" I have to find a replaceent when i go to either these two and i have not find one! HELP!!! I depressed about this thing. And then I have to decorate the notice board outside the general office for promoting friendship through sport. Have to finish by tmr. See how busy i am! How i hope that i can be free of any other works and be a normal students like some of u out there!!!